Mike Matulewicz
Why I'm running for MPP - Mississauga Erin Mills ?
I am alarmed by the increased criminal activity in our community and its dramatic effect on my neighbours, all of whom express deep concerns for their safety and the inadequate police response.
The safety of our community and the failure of the present government to maintain the basics of health care, education, housing, food insecurity, compels me to seek public office.
I believe that my extensive corporate policing background provides me with insights that can make a significant impact on these difficult issues.
I welcome your comments and suggestions and will speak to small or large groups in our riding.
Don't hesitate to contact me at: StopCrimeVoteMikeMat_@outlook.com
Why am I Running as an Independent Candidate?
Below is, my platform, my ideas and my words to improve our community.
Party candidates' websites direct you to;
their provincial party’s platform,
their provincial party’s ideas and they use
their provincial party's scripted words.
Who will better represent your community?
A servant of a provincial party working towards party goals or me, a neighbour of 40 years ,who has experienced the decline of services and safety with you?
The Liberal Party, cost us a billion dollars to cancel a gas plant for a few votes,
The PC’s are giving away treats, ( $200 cheques, free licence plate stickers) like the hamburglar clown did at a MacDonald’s picnic.
A week before calling the election, PC’s promised to fix all the issues that they neglected over the past 6 years.
You get my point!
I want to make our community safer, healthier, and a decent place to raise our families.
I support Fair Vote Canada, Proportional Representation.
It’s a more productive and inclusive system used by most of Europe and I urge you to review this progressive system by going to Fair Vote Canada’s web site.
Trudeau supported it 2015, then came to power and said NO.
Get Ready Ontario ** The War against our economy has begun.**
MPPs working on Provincial laws, policies, and programs must be mindful of the following issues.
The tariff war will cost many Canadian jobs.
Our economy and tax revenues will be severely impacted.
Our social programs of health care, food banks and housing will strain under the pressure of a financially challenged community.
Demands on policing will increase.
Quick action is required to focus limited tax dollars on the basic needs of the community.
Programs with little impact on the health and well being of our community must be cut or delayed until better times.
excess bureaucratic oversight,
reducing management levels and
bringing performance accountability to those closest to providing the service,
will make the most out of existing budgets.
I have the experience and knowledge to get the job done.
Keeping the Community Informed.
During difficult times it is critical to keep you informed. Transparency is key to trust.
I commit to a by-monthly progress report on significant community issues.
A spread sheet on who I spoke to and what actions I took and obstacles I face.
You have a right to know. I work for and get paid by you!
You will not get an annual glossy report and Christmas card of my social life as an MPP!
Family Safety & Criminal Apprehension Initiatives.
“Best crime prevention, is swift police response to "crimes in progress" followed by quality investigations.”
1) Police arrive within 6 minutes of a 911 call, not current 17 minutes average today.
2) Expand civilian and special constable community functions.
3) Limit highly trained and expensive front line police officer duties to,
a) law enforcement,
b) criminal investigation and
c) public order. **
** (pushing innovative alternatives solutions for non enforcement service calls, which will increase officer availability for 911 calls)
4) Mandate a target number of Detectives and detective constables per 1000 crimes reported to ensure adequate staff for timely investigations.
5) Reduce province wide police administration costs by $250-$500 million annually by centralizing 44 Municipal Police Services Administrations.
6) Decrease your property tax by changing Police funding formula to 50% municipal, 25 % Provincial, 25% Federal Governments.
The above requires updating the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and the Sir Robert Peel 1800s policing model. ** details to be published shortly.
Increased funding for health care providing more family doctors and health care teams.
Encourage retiring Family Doctors to stay with part time practice by eliminating income taxes associated to patient care.
Paying Family Doctors for their administrative hours which is associated to patient care.
Review doctors' administrative work requirements, to decrease their workload.
Support innovative AI health monitoring and diagnosis initiatives from Ontario’s world renown AI industry.
Support and multiply robotic surgeries currently in use.
Support Medical and Engineering Schools collaboration to increase use of robotics and AI diagnostic Initiatives developing new technologies for Ontario industries.
“This has potential for additional revenue streams to the Universities through royalties for new technologies.”
Redirect all existing Ontario Lottery profits from 6.75 Billion dollar revenue, to Food Banks and Homeless Initiatives, supporting not only hungry families but Canadian Farmers and food producers.
Affordable housing with 5, 10 and 15 year leases on family homes, owned by the province ( a long term value added investment), not private hedge fund investors. So young families have long term stability for schools, sports and community activities for a healthy productive lifestyle.
Once again invest in our Education System.
Stop political gimmicks of $200 cheques and free licence stickers which takes billions of dollars away from the above critical issues.